The Indian Overseas Congress condemns the act of violence, racism

The Indian Overseas Congress strongly condemns the act of violence, racism, and eventually, the death of George Floyd. IOC, USA believes in the ideals of the Founding father of India – Mahatma Gandhi, who taught the world that discrimination of any sort (based in religion caste, color) is unacceptable.

George Abraham – Vice Chairman (IOC, USA) condemned the racial killing of George Floyd and appealed for peace and sanity. He said that the desecration of the statue of Mahatma Gandhi, the greatest apostle of peace, was not acceptable and said that protests should be peaceful, non-violent, and meaningful. If a segment of the citizenry strongly feels that there is unequal justice, the very foundation of civil and democratic society will begin to rot and eventually crumble. However, we need to adopt Gandhian and Martin Luther King’s methods of peaceful protests to fight for justice. Any violence associated with the George Floyd protests only naturally diminishes the cause and his memory’.

Mohinder Singh Gilzian – President (IOC, USA) said that the recent turmoil in US is one of the biggest tragedies in American History  and said that IOC has always stood for equality in race relations where all human beings are respected  irrespective of race, religion and Country of origin.

Harbachan Singh – the Secretary-General (IOC, USA) said that a Child is born like a clean slate, without bias. If he grows up, we can keep his environment free of biases, and we will end up living in a nicer world.

Ravi Chopra – Vice President (IOC, USA) said that the racial killing is unacceptable in a developed country like America and hoped that peace and sanity would prevail and normalcy will return as the Country is already in turmoil with the COVID crisis and Businesses, especially small business have been hurt.

Rajender Dichpally – National General Secretary (IOC, USA) feels that this is a historic turning point in the Country, and there will be strict laws enforced against such acts going forward to deter such acts in the future and that discrimination based on color has no place in a civilized society. He also condemned the riots in the name of protests and said that law and order must be maintained.

Sophia Sharma, Esq. –  National General Secretary (IOC, USA)  said that Racial Inequality in any form is unacceptable. The world will only progress when there is unity and we all come together as one despite our differences. Let us take this as a lesson to build a better future, a better world for our children.  The color of our skin should not define who we are and should not limit who we can be.

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