Nexus Social Adult Day Care Center inaugurated

Nexus SOCIAL ADULT DAY CARE  Center, a company dedicated to providing non-medical services to Medicaid recipients who qualify for managed long term care program, was inaugurated in Floral Park, NY on June 8th this year.  NEXUS is dedicated to serving a diverse community of  Southeast Asian  and Caribbean communities have kick-started our campaign and the results have been astounding.

This Grand Opening Event was attended by more than 120 seniors, HOME CARE AGENCIES, and community leaders from the metropolitan area.

A special guest attendee was Senior Advisor of Nassau County Comptroller Hon. Dilip Chauhan. In his speech Chauhan stated that it was a need for the community to have Social Adult Day Center in this area, “I am delighted to have a senior center for our elders where they can have health education, checkups, exercise programs and other activities.  Mr. Chauhan also presented  Citation on behalf of Nassau County Comptroller Hon. George Maragos on the occasion of Grand Opening.

Owner of Nexus Senor Center  Gurdeep  Singh stated that he is very excited about the opportunity to provide the  senior community with such services and he is grateful for everyone support. Also he thanked Nassau County Comptroller Hon. George Maragos as well as Senior Advisor Dilip Chauhan for their support. There were traditional Bhangra Dance, Bollywood dance and many more entertaining program with delicious food.

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