New York Seniors celebrate 240th I-Day on July 4th

New York: Seniors and delegates of various Indian associations celebrated 240th Independence Day of the US on July 4th at an event organized by Shashikant Patel/Gopi Udeshi at Sri Saneeswara Temple New York with Chief Guest Hon. Ushir Pandit Durant, newly elected Judge for Civil Court of New York.New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo awarded a proclamation honoring Bruhud NY Seniors for their dedication to the betterment of their community.

NYS Senator Tony Avella awarded a proclamation to Bruhud New York Seniors, Shashikant Patel and Gopi Udeshi for betterment of their community. NYS Assemblyman Andrew D. Hevesi awarded a citation honoring  Bruhud New York Seniors, Shashikant Patel and Gopi Udeshi for their dedication of betterment of their community.

Colorful performance by Eesha, Prisha, Kanisha and  Anishka dance on patriotic song and English Mari beautiful song sung by Prisha Dass. Gopi Udeshi narrated Time magazine front cover of 240 reasons to celebrate I day with pride and joy. She described history of flag was remarkable.  Diversity is one of America’s greatest strengths. Shashikant Patel presented with moral ethics and his indomitable spirit and compassion.

Spectacular speeches  by Hon. Ushir Pandit, Mukund Mehta, Subhash Patel, Pritam Shah, Urvik Trivedi,  Labhubhai Upadhaya,  Neela Pandya  and Rohit Pandya narrated  240 years of Independence of USA progress were remarkable. Participants took pledge to keep ancient cultural heritage to make strong by walk together, Move  together, think together  and resolve together.

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