DuPage Senior Citizen Council celebrates 68th republic day

Chicago IL:  DuPage Senior Citizen Council organized 68th Republic Day Celebration at Shahi Banquets, North Avenue, Lombard IL. Various local artists entertained the seniors and celebrated republic day. Program started with US and Indian National anthem.

Prachi Jaitly, Director, Bollywood Arts Academy performed semi-classical dance on a Bollywood medley paying tribute to the legendary actresses Asha Parekh and Saadhna. She performed on Raat Ka Sama, Khat Likh De Sawariya Ke Naam and Jhumka Gira Re.

A famous local singer Ishaan Ahmed sang patriotic songs like Ye desh hai veer jawano ka, Mere desh ki dharti.  Another singer, Avni Khanna sang beautiful numbers like Chalta Chalte from Pakeeza and Dama dam Mast kalander. Another local artist Hema Shastri danced on Yashomati Maiya se bole nand lala. The program featured flag hoisting and cake cutting by the founding president of FIA Sunil Shah. The entire program was very well coordinated by Moneek Khan.

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