Andrew Seo Call upon Asian-Americans to Support His Candidacy for the Position of Commissioner of the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago

Chicago IL: “I have an ambitious and far reaching plan of action aimed at transforming the way water is treated, managed, and delivered in Chicago and Cook County, which will be greatly instrumental not only in creating a reliable and resilient water infrastructure but also in facilitating multifaceted prosperity. I, therefore, request each and every one in Chicago and Cook County, including the Asian-Americans, to support my candidacy, in a big way, for the position of Commissioner of the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago in order to translate this plan into reality”, said Andrew Seo at a Press Conference, attended by a large number of representatives of Print, Electronic, and Internet Media on Tuesday, February 2nd, 2016, at 1:00 PM at Udipi Palace, 2543 W Devon Ave, Chicago, IL 60659.
Explaining his plan, in detail, Andrew Seo said that Metropolitan Water Reclamation District (MWRD) of Greater Chicago shall assume control of the city of Chicago Department of Water Management, including the City’s two water treatment plants, 12 pumping stations, water/server Mains and Personnel. He added that, as a part of his plan, MWRD would take over maintenance and operations of potable water to the residents/businesses in Chicago and Cook County as well as responsibility for the transport of waste water and storm water throughout the city of Chicago.
Andrew Seo Call upon Asian-Americans to Support His Candidacy for the Position of Commissioner of the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater ChicagoAndrew Seo claimed that his proposed plan has got a number of beneficial outcomes, which includes shifting the burden of maintaining/modernizing Chicago/Cook County’s aging water and sewer infrastructure from the city of Chicago to the MWRD, generating at least USD 5 billion for the city of Chicago to re-allocate it to funding Police/Fire/Teacher pensions, as well as for other essential city services, streamlining Government and eliminate bureaucratic red tape for homeowners and businesses, and reducing water and sewer fees for the city and suburban taxpayers.
“My plan has the ability to do everything Mayor Rahm Emanuel wants and needs at this critical time in Municipal Government”, said Andrew Seo. “The plan is in response to the call given by him last year to Chicagoans to come up with ideas to help make Government operate more efficiently and raise much needed revenue to successfully grapple with the problems relating to budget shortfalls, outstanding pension liabilities, and impending tax hikes”, Andrew Seo added.
Andrew Seo Call upon Asian-Americans to Support His Candidacy for the Position of Commissioner of the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater ChicagoAndrew Seo said that Chicagoland’s ability to provide clean and safe water is being challenged, as existing waste water and water infrastructure is aging and deteriorating. “Unless we start updating and modernizing our water and waste water systems soon it will become exponentially more challenging to retain and attract industry, business, and a skilled work force”, he added.
Andrew Seo argued that investments in creating a state-of-the-art water infrastructure will be greatly instrumental in creating jobs, sustaining public health, sustaining environment, and boosting economy. “The US Department of Commerce estimates that each job created in the local water and waste water industry creates 3.5 jobs in the national economy and each dollar spent yields $2.50 dollars in GDP”, he added.
Andrew Seo, a Chicago Engineer, is a former employee of both the MWRD and the City of Chicago’s Department of Water Management. He has got an impressive track record of experience in the fields of treating, managing, and delivering water. He has already pitched his plan to a number of prominent municipal and business leaders and received huge appreciation from them.
Iftehar Shareef, an eminent Indian-American, introduced Andrew Seo to the representatives of the media at the Press Conference. He said that Andrew Seo represents a rare combination of competence and commitment and added that his election as the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago would go a long way in solving the problems relating to the availability of clean and safe water in Chicago and Cook County. He paid rich tributes to the community service of Andrew Seo in innumerable domains.
Shareef appealed to all the Asian-Americans in general and their Indian counterparts in particular to strongly support the candidacy of Andrew Seo in the best interests of Chicago and Cook County.
The representatives of the media posed a barrage of questions about the viability and relevance of the proposed plan concerning issues relating to the availability of safe and clean water in Chicago and Cook County. Andrew Seo answered all the questions, with a professional touch.
Balvider Singh, a well-known Indian-American, expressed his support and best wishes to Andrew Seo for his stupendous success in the election.
The Press Conference concluded with delicious snacks which were relished by one and all.

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