America’s Hoteliers Meet with Rep. Wasserman Schultz about Combatting Human Trafficking

ATLANTA, Ga., Jan. 27 – AAHOA President & CEO Cecil Staton issued the following statement on the roundtable discussion with Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz this past weekend regarding efforts to combat human trafficking:

“AAHOA appreciates the opportunity to join Congresswoman Wasserman Schultz’s roundtable and to discuss solutions to the scourge of human trafficking with other like-minded organizations.

“America’s hotel owners and the lodging industry have long recognized the moral imperative to proactively champion the cause of trafficking prevention. That’s why AAHOA continues to equip thousands of hotel owners and employees with the tools they need to identify and respond to potential trafficking situations with our free Human Trafficking Awareness Trainings. We are pleased to join with the DHS Blue Campaign, Businesses Ending Slavery and Trafficking (BEST), Polaris, the Georgia Human Trafficking Task Force, congressional leaders, and state and local officials as allies in this fight against those who prey upon the most vulnerable in our society.”

AAHOA is the largest hotel owners association in the world. The over 19,500 AAHOA members own almost one in every two hotels in the United States. With billions of dollars in property assets and hundreds of thousands of employees, AAHOA members are core economic contributors in virtually every community. AAHOA is a proud defender of free enterprise and the foremost current-day example of realizing the American dream.

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