AAPI Condemns Life Threatening Attack On Dr. Dinesh Verma At Alpha Hospital, Latur COVID Center AAPI urges Modi Administration to prevent violence against physicians and bring to justice those behind the attack

Chicago, IL: July 30, 2020:  “AAPI is shocked about the brutal and life threatening attack on Dr. Dinesh Verma at the COVID Center, Alpha Hospital, Latur in the state of Maharashrta, India on Wednesday, July 29th.  We want to express our prayers and best wishes for speedy recovery to Dr. Verma, who has dedicated his life in the service of the patients affected by the deadly pandemic, COVI-19,” Dr. Sudhakar Jonnalagadda, President of American Association of Physicians of India Origin (AAPI) said here today. In a statement issued here Dr. Jonnalagadda condemned the brutal attack on Dr. Verma. He urged the Government of India and the State Government of Maharashtra to bring to justice those behind the cruel attack on the physician who has dedicated all his life for serving the sick, especially during the critical times, risking his own life and that of his dear ones. “We at AAPI, the largest ethnic medical organization in the nation, urge the Government of India and every state in India to make all the efforts possible to prevent violence against medical professionals and enable them to continue to serve the country with dignity, pride and security,” Dr. Verma was allegedly attacked with a sharp weapon by the son of a Covid-19 patient, who died at a hospital in Latur on Wednesday. Dr. Verma was stabbed with sharp objects over chest and neck multiple times by the relative of a Covid patient who died yesterday while being treated for COVID related symptoms. As per reports, the pt was having other co morbidities like diabetes and hypertension. She was referred to Latur from Udgir as her oxygen saturation was not maintaining well and it was around 70-80%. The Attending Doctor was confronted by the relatives and one of them suddenly attacked him and stabbed Dr. Verma multiple times. Dr. Verma received multiple sutures for the wounds over his chest, neck and hand. Police later registered a case and arrested the 35-year-old man on charges of assault against Dr. Dinesh Verma, attached to Alfa Hospital. Police said Dr. Verma suffered a deep cut to his chest and was rescued by the hospital’s security guards, after which he was rushed to another hospital. The Indian Medical Association (IMA) staged a protest with local doctors shutting down their clinics after the attack. Expressing shock that despite these noble intentions, many doctors and nurses put their own lives on the line in the course of their jobs, facing attacks from the very people they are trying to help, Dr. Jonnalagadda added. Recalling that from ancient times, physicians across the world have been revered for dedicating their lives for the noble mission of preventing people from getting and saving millions of lives of people from illnesses, Dr. Anupama Gotimukula, President-Elect of AAPI, said,  said. “We as a community of physicians and individual members of this fraternity have decided to go into the medical profession with the best of intentions. We as physicians want to help people, ease suffering and save lives. Physicians of Indian origin are well known around the world for their compassion, passion for patient care, medical skills, research, and leadership.” The members of the American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI), an umbrella organization which has nearly 110 local chapters, specialty societies and alumni organizations, with over 35 years of history of dedicated services to their motherland and the adopted land, are appalled at the growing violence against our fellow physicians, Dr. Jonnalagadda said. “We strongly condemn this ongoing violence. And we want immediate action against the culprits, who have been carrying on these criminal acts. We are shocked by the lack of coherent action against such violence and protect members of this noble fraternity.” For more information on AAPI, please visit: http://www.aapiusa.org/

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