Dr. Islam Siddiqui Leads American Muslim Institution

Dr. Islam Siddiqui, an Indian American, has been appointed president of the newly-formed institution, American Muslim Institution. The new group in the Washington, D.C. area announced Aug. 5 the formation of the American Muslim Institution, a nonprofit organization, is to provide reliable information and advice to public and policy makers on Islam and Muslims.

“We need constructive solutions to current and emerging problems emanating from wrong perceptions and misinformation about Islam and Muslims in America,” Dr. Islam Siddiqui, stated in a press release.

“Our mission is to work for a world of co-existence through inclusiveness and participation. As a member of a diverse family of faiths, our efforts will be directed towards justice and equality to attain peace for Americans with a firm grounding in commonly held values,” Siddiqui added.

Siddiqui is a former U.S. Under Secretary of Agriculture and Chief Agricultural Negotiator and was the highest ranking American Muslim in the United States government under the Clinton and Obama administrations.

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