CORONA EFFECT WILL BE OVER BY JUNE 20th – Kancherla Subba Rao, A Renowned Octogenarian Astrologer says

Fears are growing that the global downturn from the corona virus, COVID 19 could be far more punishing and long lasting than initially feared — potentially enduring into next year, and even beyond — as governments intensify restrictions on people and businesses to halt the spread of the pandemic, and fear of the virus impedes consumer-led economic growth.

However, an astrologer from India has predicted that the pandemic will be over by June 20th this year. “The corona pandemic plaguing the world today is due to Kala Sarpayoga because of the positioning of all planets in between Rahu and Kethu, which make them totally eclipsed,” says Kancherla Subba Rao, a popular astrologer from the state of Andhra Pradesh in India.

“However, this doesn’t affect India,” he goes on to explain. “As per the longitudes and latitudes, India is beyond the orbit of Rahu and Kethu. Hence Kala Sarpayoga does not impact India. The present corona is transmitted by foreigners but will have very limited effect in India. Whatever effect we are facing in India today will be over by 18 June,” the renowned astrologer says.

According to an NRI entrepreneur based in the national Capital region in DC,  who has known Kancherla Subba Rao personally, the renowned astrologer has predicted in the past accurately about the election victories of Barak Obama, Narendra Modi and Donald Trump. As per the NRI, he is a well-known astrologer locally and has gained respect and honor from the local community for his accurate predictions of life’s events. He also says, because of the strong alignment of stars, Trump is likely to be re-elected in November this year.

Describing his own experience in the field of astrology, he says, “I have 40 years of experience in Astrology and learned the subject in childhood from the elders.” He holds a Master’s Degree and has served as a Bank Manager in Andhra.

Kancherla Subba Rao says, “In Vastu also I gained some knowledge. You can ask any questions in Astrology. Your date, time and place of birth are necessary. The question should be clear and precise. Please worship SUN God at every sun-rise,” his advice to the readers.

Born in a teeming and remote village of Andhra Pradesh, Sri Subba Rao acquired astrology as a child prodigy. At the age of 30 years, he was felicitated with golden leg bracelet, an honor given to great scholars by then chief Minister Kasu Brahmananda Reddy.

Since then he has been making accurate predictions for more than 50 years on the national and international developments. He has a rare expertise in medical astrology. When he suffered from paraplegia (paralysis of both legs) in his youth, his attending physicians in India told him that he could never recover. Shri Rao challenged the Doctors based on his knowledge of medical astrology and predicted that his recovery in a specific time frame which became true.

A dhoti clad and ardent farmer, Sri Subba Rao  lives a simple life, meditates and sleeps among the cows in his farm. He never takes remuneration or payment for his predictions. Though hails and lives in a village, his grip on English is commendable.

A voracious reader who keeps reading Astrologer Raphael and others, Subba Rao is also a great philosopher with utmost purity of thought and action and an ardent follower of Astrologer cum philosophy Plato.

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