AAPI Leaders Spread Message of Health & Wellbeing At India Day Parade in New York


New York, NY:  In their efforts to spread the message of health and wellbeing for all, leaders of the American Association of Physicians of Indian origin (AAPI) joined the India Day Parade in New York City on Sunday August 16th, 2015. Applause from the crowds reached a crescendo as the colorfully decorated Float bearing AAPI’s name, symbol, and message of health and wellbeing to all rolled on in New York City. Led by its energetic leaders led by Dr. Seema Jain, president of AAPI, the float marched along with dozens of others, saluting India and the over a billion people of Indian origin around the globe.

A record number of people, both Indian Americans and mainstream Americans thronged the sidewalks, filling Madison Avenue from 38th to 27th Streets, cheering jubilantly as the floats portraying the rich heritage of India and the rise of India as a world power, meandered through the Big Apple. The gods seemed to smile as the clouds lifted and the bright sun shone forth. The crowds acknowledged the contributions and achievements of the Indian Diaspora and their motherland, India.

A host of AAPI leaders, including AAPI’s President, Dr. Seema Jain, President-Elect, Dr. Ajay Lodha, YPS President  Dr. Rupak Parikh, YPS President-Elect, Dr Aditya Desai,

Board of Trustee member, Dr. Krishan Kumar, Dr. Sanjay Jain, and Dr. Amy Shah, along with several young Physicians and MSRF members  had come into New York from different parts of the country to be part of the largest India Day Parade around the world, organized by the Federation of Indian Associations (FIA).

“We are extremely happy to be part of this great event,” said Dr. Seema Jain, after leading the parade in New York City on Sunday. “On behalf of the over 80,000 physicians of Indian Origin in the United States, I want to convey our greetings to all the people of Indian origin, especially to over two million Indian Americans across the United States, who continue to make India proud and make India stand tall among  peoples of the whole world. On this very special day of celebrating our freedom, we take special pride in saluting our beloved tricolor. Let us recall with pride the great sacrifice of our freedom fighters, whose undying love for India secured us our freedom,” he added.

Dr. Ajay Lodha, President-Elect of AAPI, who was on the AAPI float in New York, said, “On this happy occasion join me and all members of AAPI in saluting the hard work of all our citizens who have, over these 69 years, helped build a new India. Let us bow our head in memory of all those brave Jawans and all our brave citizens who have sacrificed their lives for the cause of our unity, integrity and progress.”

According to Dr.Amy Shah, “AAPI is very proud to salute India that is united despite its many diversities. An India that is not divided by caste, creed or gender. An India, in which the creativity and enterprise of every citizen can find its full and free expression.” Dr. Krishan Kumar, while greeting the people of India said, “As we celebrate India and its several achievements on this very special day, AAPI is very proud to join in and salute this great nation and its 1.2 billion people.”

Members of AAPI are not only known for their exceptional quality of care they provide to their patients, but also have established an unprecedented professional exchange program between the physicians and researchers in the US and India, augmented medical education curricula and established medical specialties, and emergency services in India, sponsored free medical care in the US and India through free clinics, participated in legislative days in DC, led with exemplary leadership and devotion the AMA – IMG Section and many committees with AAPI.

AAPI is a forum that facilitates and enables over 100,000 Indian American Physicians and Fellows to excel in patient care, teaching and research and to pursue their aspirations in professional and community affairs. Founded with the objective to promote professional solidarity in the pursuit of excellence in patient care, teaching and research, AAPI brings American medicine the distinctive contributions from India, and advance the American creed of one nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. For more details, please visit: www.aapiusa.org

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