Georgia Judge’s Ruling Prompts Top Prosecutor’s Resignation, Advances Trump Election Interference Case

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis has accepted the resignation of Nathan Wade, her top special prosecutor in the former President Donald Trump’s election interference case. This move comes after a Georgia judge made Wade’s stepping aside a condition for Willis to remain on the case, further solidifying the prospects of 15 defendants, including Trump, facing trial in Georgia for their alleged roles in attempting to overturn the 2020 election result.

The decision stems from a 23-page ruling by Fulton Superior Judge Scott McAfee, following extensive courtroom testimony. McAfee ruled that while Willis’ romantic involvement with Wade didn’t necessitate disqualification, it created an appearance of conflict of interest. McAfee emphasized the importance of maintaining the perception of impartiality in legal proceedings, stating, “an outsider could reasonably think that the District Attorney is not exercising her independent professional judgment totally free of any compromising influences.”

McAfee provided a clear directive, giving prosecutors an ultimatum: either Wade resigns from the case or Willis must step aside and refer the prosecution elsewhere. Willis, in accepting Wade’s resignation, commended him for his professionalism.

This development signifies a significant juncture in the ongoing investigation into efforts to undermine the 2020 election result in Georgia. Willis, the first Black woman elected district attorney in Fulton County, has been at the forefront of this case, which has garnered national attention. Despite expected appeals, the focus can now shift back to advancing the case towards trial.

The case, which revolves around alleged attempts by Trump and his allies to overturn Georgia’s election result, has seen various twists and turns. Willis’ utilization of Georgia’s racketeering law and her courtroom prowess have been notable features of the proceedings. The indictment, initially involving 19 individuals, was handed up by a grand jury last August.

Challenges arose earlier when former Trump campaign official Michael Roman accused Willis of misconduct, alleging financial impropriety related to her relationship with Wade. However, McAfee’s ruling found no evidence that Willis’ conduct influenced the case’s progression.

While McAfee acknowledged the seriousness of the situation and criticized the handling of certain aspects of the case, he deemed disqualifying Willis unnecessary, opting for a less drastic remedy. McAfee’s measured approach reflects his reputation for managing complex cases with impartiality.

Trump’s lawyer, Steve Sadow, expressed disappointment with the decision, reiterating their intention to explore all legal avenues to end the case. Meanwhile, the district attorney’s office has yet to respond to McAfee’s order.

Despite the decision, the controversy surrounding Willis and Wade’s relationship could have lasting repercussions. Georgia Republicans have initiated several investigations into Willis for alleged misconduct, potentially undermining public trust in her and the case itself.

As the legal proceedings continue, potential jurors may be influenced by the ongoing drama, raising questions about the integrity of the prosecution. While some defendants have already pleaded guilty, a trial date for the remaining defendants is yet to be determined, as McAfee grapples with the logistical challenges posed by the case’s complexity and the involvement of a former president.

Shift in Economic Sentiment: Voters’ Views on Inflation Impact Biden’s Prospects Ahead of November Election

Nancy Pontius is prepared to voice an unpopular opinion: she doesn’t perceive inflation as a significant concern and asserts that economic worries won’t sway her voting decision in the upcoming November election.

Despite experiencing financial strain akin to tens of millions of Americans in recent years, the 36-year-old Democrat from Pennsylvania remains resolute. “I definitely felt the gas price increase,” she acknowledges, “but I also recognized that it was likely to be temporary.” Having cast her ballot for Joe Biden four years ago, she intends to do so again, driven by issues like abortion. “I’m not concerned about the broader economic landscape,” she affirms.

This sentiment comes as a relief for President Biden, whose first term grappled with an unprecedented 18% surge in prices, sparking economic discontent and diminishing political backing. While America’s robust post-pandemic economic resurgence drew admiration globally, domestic sentiments remained starkly pessimistic.

However, there are indications of a shift as gasoline prices regress towards $3 per gallon nationally and wages edge closer to keeping pace with inflation. Economic sentiment, often described as the “vibe” people perceive about the economy, has seen improvement in business surveys recently.

According to the University of Michigan, Democrats like Nancy now express optimism about the economy akin to 2021 levels, surpassing any point during the Trump administration. Even Republican sentiments have slightly brightened, as per their research.

The White House is hopeful that this change in mood will endure, bolstering support for the president as the November election looms, especially in pivotal swing states like Pennsylvania. Yet, such optimism is far from guaranteed.

The president’s approval ratings linger near the lowest of his term, weighed down by concerns over immigration, his age, and conflicts like the one in Gaza. Despite positive indicators, overall economic sentiment is yet to rebound from the pandemic’s blow, notwithstanding robust growth and record low unemployment.

Within the Democratic camp, dissatisfaction with Biden’s economic policies, particularly among those under 30, presents a challenge. Kim Schwartz, a 28-year-old health technician from Pennsylvania, who voted for Biden in 2020, feels let down by the administration’s economic agenda.

“I don’t see any progress in getting more money into the hands of middle class and working class Americans to keep up with [inflation],” she laments. Kim’s financial situation has improved since 2020, yet she still diligently hunts for bargains at multiple grocery stores each week.

Her concerns resonate with others like John Cooke, a 34-year-old restaurant manager in Pennsylvania. While his eatery’s business remains strong, inflation has eaten into profits, and he hasn’t received a pay increase despite rising expenses.

Republicans, traditionally favored on economic matters, have seized on inflation to criticize Biden, attributing it to his spending policies. Economists attribute inflation to a combination of factors, including pandemic-induced supply chain disruptions and the Ukraine conflict’s impact on oil prices.

Democrats have maintained their electoral ground by attributing inflation to broader forces and focusing on other issues like social justice and climate change. However, swing voters, often prioritizing economic concerns, hold significant sway in presidential elections.

Strategists acknowledge Biden’s previous reliance on national economic metrics as a defense strategy as emotionally disconnected. Consequently, Biden has adopted a more populist rhetoric, criticizing price gouging and advocating against “shrinkflation” while denouncing “extreme MAGA Republican” economic policies.

Don Cunningham, a veteran Democratic figure in Pennsylvania, anticipates a reconciliation between economic sentiment and reality in the coming months. As head of the Lehigh Valley Economic Development Corporation, he notes challenges for Biden unrelated to economic issues, such as generational divides and personal connections with voters.

Yet, signs indicate many Americans are disheartened by the probable 2020 rematch between Biden and Trump. Even Nancy, who ardently displayed her support for Biden in 2020, plans a more subdued approach this time, wary of discord with her neighbors.

“We might still put the Biden-Harris sign out,” she muses, “But I was willing to be a little louder in 2020… than I am now.”

Canada’s Intelligence Service Accuses India of Election Interference; PM Trudeau Orders Inquiry

The Canadian Security Intelligence Service, Canada’s premier foreign intelligence agency, has raised concerns about potential interference by India in the country’s recent election, according to a recent intelligence report. The report, made available to the media on Thursday, identified India as a ‘foreign interference threat’ and emphasized the need for greater protection of Canada’s democratic institutions and processes.

In a top-secret briefing document obtained by Canadian media outlet Global News, it was further highlighted that India’s interference could escalate if left unchecked. This revelation marks the first time India has been implicated in election interference in Canada, joining China and Russia, which were already under scrutiny for similar activities.

The declassified report, titled ‘Briefing to the Minister of Democratic Institutions on Foreign Interference,’ dated February 24, 2023, also singles out China, labeling it as “by far the most significant threat.”

According to the report, China’s foreign interference activities are extensive and resource-intensive, targeting various levels of government and civil society nationwide. The term ‘FI’ refers to foreign interference, with ‘PRC’ representing the People’s Republic of China.

Notably, India and China were the only countries explicitly named in the latest intelligence briefing.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has responded to these allegations by initiating an inquiry into the claims outlined in the recently disclosed intelligence report.

Relations between India and Canada have been strained since September 2023, following Trudeau’s accusations of potential Indian involvement in the killing of Khalistani terrorist Hardeep Singh Nijjar on June 18 in British Columbia. India has vehemently denied these allegations, dismissing them as baseless and driven by ulterior motives.

President Biden Triumphs in South Carolina Democratic Primary, Solidifies Support Among Black Voters

President Joe Biden secured a solid victory in South Carolina’s Democratic primary, reaffirming his strong support among the state’s voters. This win holds significant symbolism as it mirrors his previous triumph in the state during the 2020 primaries, which revitalized his then-struggling campaign. Biden’s success in South Carolina underscores the importance of the state as a crucial battleground for mobilizing Black voters, a key demographic pivotal to his electoral strategy.

“In 2020, it was the voters of South Carolina who proved the pundits wrong, breathed new life into our campaign, and set us on the path to winning the presidency,” Biden emphasized in a statement, expressing gratitude for the continued support. He further asserted his confidence in reclaiming the presidency, framing the upcoming election as another opportunity to defeat former President Donald Trump.

The Associated Press officially declared Biden’s victory, highlighting his decisive lead across key locations in the state. This win not only secures South Carolina’s 55 Democratic delegates but also serves as a testament to the effectiveness of Biden’s reelection campaign’s efforts to engage and mobilize voters.

Biden’s strategic focus on South Carolina is evident in his advocacy for a revamped primary calendar, aimed at prioritizing states with greater racial diversity. This move reflects a broader push within the Democratic National Committee to address concerns about the lack of diversity in the early primary states of Iowa and New Hampshire.

The significance of South Carolina’s primary is underscored by its substantial Black population, comprising 26% of the state’s residents. Black voters played a crucial role in Biden’s 2020 victory, with overwhelming support contributing to his nomination and eventual election as president.

Biden’s longstanding relationships within South Carolina, coupled with the endorsement of influential figures like Rep. Jim Clyburn, have solidified his position within the state’s political landscape. Clyburn’s continued support underscores Biden’s resonance with Black voters and his commitment to advancing their interests.

Throughout his presidency, Biden has consistently expressed gratitude to South Carolina’s Democratic voters for their unwavering support. His acknowledgment of their pivotal role in his political journey reinforces the significance of the state within the broader Democratic Party.

Campaigning in South Carolina, Biden emphasized the state’s critical role in shaping the outcome of the 2020 election, framing it as instrumental in defeating Trump. This narrative reflects the president’s confidence in his ability to secure victory once again, positioning himself as the strongest contender against the GOP’s current frontrunner.

Democratic National Committee Chairman Jaime Harrison, a South Carolina native, hailed Biden’s decision to prioritize the state’s primary, recognizing its historical significance. Harrison emphasized the importance of representation and inclusivity in the electoral process, applauding Biden for acknowledging and addressing these concerns.

Black voters in South Carolina cited various reasons for their continued support for Biden, ranging from his administration’s defense of abortion rights to his commitment to diversity in judicial appointments. Concerns about the age of both Biden and Trump were also acknowledged, yet many voters expressed a preference for Biden based on his policies and leadership qualities.

Despite concerns about age and readiness, Biden’s track record and policy positions resonated strongly with voters, positioning him as the preferred choice over his opponent. This sentiment reflects a broader confidence in Biden’s ability to lead and navigate the challenges facing the nation.

Biden’s victory in South Carolina’s Democratic primary reaffirms his strong support among Black voters and underscores the state’s pivotal role in shaping the outcome of the upcoming election. His strategic focus on engaging diverse communities highlights a commitment to inclusivity and representation within the Democratic Party.

Trump and Biden Face Uphill Battles Beyond Primary Victories

Donald J. Trump has been cruising through the primaries in Iowa and New Hampshire, dominating his Republican rivals and basking in the adoration of his supporters who are convinced of his inevitable victory in the presidential race. However, as Trump edges closer to securing the Republican nomination, he faces daunting challenges beyond the party faithful.

Outside the insular world of Republican primaries, Trump’s campaign is grappling with persistent weaknesses that could pose significant risks for his party. These vulnerabilities came to the fore in New Hampshire, where a significant portion of independents, college-educated voters, and Republicans hesitant to overlook his legal troubles threw their support behind his rival, Nikki Haley.

While Trump emerged victorious in New Hampshire, the sizable turnout against him signaled trouble ahead as the presidential race transitions from the realm of die-hard Trump supporters to a broader electorate, many of whom rejected him in the past. Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida acknowledged the issue, stating that Trump must find a way to address the concerns of lifelong conservatives who are reluctant to support him again.

On the other side, President Biden also faces challenges in a potential rematch of the 2020 contest. Despite his victory then, Biden, now 81, grapples with widespread disapproval and skepticism regarding his age and leadership. He seeks to rally his base, independents, and even moderate Republicans around issues such as abortion rights and democracy, although his stance on immigration, inflation, and the conflict in Gaza has alienated some within his party.

Republican pollster Neil Newhouse highlighted the upcoming election as a choice between two unpopular leaders, characterizing it as a “lesser-of-two-evils” scenario.

Trump’s difficulties extend back to his 2016 takeover of the Republican Party, which alienated suburban moderates and independents. His struggles with independent voters were evident in the Iowa caucuses as well, where a majority supported his opponents.

While Trump is expected to regain many of these voters in the general election, a significant portion of Haley supporters in New Hampshire expressed willingness to vote for Biden, indicating a potential fracture within the Republican base.

However, caution is advised in interpreting the New Hampshire results, given the state’s left-leaning tendencies. Nonetheless, the GOP must ensure the election does not become solely a referendum on Trump.

Ruth Axtell, a New Hampshire independent who voted for Haley, expressed her desire to see Trump defeated, even if it meant a victory for a female candidate. Yet, she remains undecided for the general election, reflecting the uncertainty among voters.

New Hampshire’s results underscored Trump’s struggles with college-educated and affluent voters, demographics that once formed the core of his support base.

Even in Iowa, Trump faced challenges in affluent suburbs, indicating potential vulnerabilities in traditionally Republican strongholds.

Despite concerns about winning back Republicans who have turned away from him, Trump remains confident in his ability to secure their support. However, his victory speech in New Hampshire, marked by attacks on Haley rather than calls for party unity, raises questions about his approach.

Both Trump’s aides and super PAC officials view Biden as a formidable opponent, with the latter expressing concerns about Biden’s substantial spending on advertising.

While DeSantis and Haley refrained from directly confronting Trump, Biden’s campaign is expected to vigorously challenge him, countering his attacks with clips of his verbal missteps.

As Trump faces intensifying scrutiny over his role in the Capitol riot and legal troubles, his fixation on the 2020 election and divisive rhetoric could further erode his support among independents and swing voters.

Even in conservative Iowa, a significant portion of Trump’s supporters expressed reservations about voting for him if he were convicted of a crime, underscoring the potential repercussions of his legal battles on his electoral prospects.

Chris Christie Exits Presidential Race with Sharp Critique of Trump, Predicts Challenges for GOP Frontrunners

Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has exited the presidential race, concluding his bid with a pointed remark aimed at frontrunner Donald Trump.

“I am going to make sure that in no way do I enable Donald Trump to ever be president of the United States again,” stated the once Trump ally, now turned critic.

Christie, a Republican, had been under pressure to step aside, allowing the party to coalesce around a viable contender against Mr. Trump. However, he refrained from endorsing any candidate upon bowing out.

On a hot microphone just before officially announcing the end of his campaign, Christie expressed skepticism about the potential of Nikki Haley, a candidate gaining ground on Trump in some polls. He asserted that she was “going to get smoked, and you and I both know it.” Christie also remarked that another rival, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, seemed “petrified.”

At 61 years old, Christie, polling nationally in the low single figures, announced the suspension of his campaign during a town hall event in New Hampshire on Wednesday afternoon.

His departure, five days prior to the Iowa caucuses, the initial state-by-state contests in which Republican voters choose their preferred presidential candidate, raised eyebrows. The ultimate victor will be named the Republican nominee in July, subsequently challenging the Democratic nominee, likely Joe Biden, in the November general election.

Christie, encouraged to withdraw before the upcoming New Hampshire contest, where polls suggested Haley might be narrowing the gap with Trump, stressed the urgency for Republican voters to reject the former president. Accusing Trump of “putting himself before the people of this country,” Christie implored voters to reconsider their support.

The northeastern state of New Hampshire, known for its large faction of unaffiliated voters and unpredictable outcomes, poses a potential shift in dynamics. With Christie polling at 12%, a significant portion of his supporters may now pivot towards Haley.

In response to Christie’s departure, Haley issued a statement acknowledging him as “a friend for many years” and commending his “hard-fought campaign.” However, opponents, notably DeSantis, echoed Christie’s sentiment that Haley was destined to be defeated.

Trump, in his response, suggested he might start liking Christie again after the former governor’s “very truthful statement” about Haley. The ex-president’s political action committee claimed victory, asserting that he had already defeated eight challengers before a single vote had been cast.

This marked Christie’s second unsuccessful attempt to secure the Republican nomination, having lost to Trump in 2016. His strategy in this campaign aimed to act as an attack dog for Trump’s rivals, delivering memorable moments during primary debates. However, without Trump on stage, Christie failed to land any direct blows.

Matthew Bartlett, a Republican strategist based in New Hampshire, commented on Christie facing political reality. “Republican voters do not want to hear the same attacks that they’ve heard from Democrats or even the media for the better part of eight years,” Bartlett observed.

New Yorkers Raise Funds for Washington State Senator Pramila Jayapal for her Run for Congress

Indian Americans joined hands with the larger community in New York to raise funds for Washington State Senator Pramila Jayapal (37th District in Seattle, Washington) who is running for the seat being vacated by long term Congressman Jim McDermott in Washington state’s 7th Congressional District. The event was hosted by socialite Claire White in Manhattan. There was a good presence of Indian Americans for the fundraiser.

Jayapal moved from India to the United States as student when she was sixteen. Jayapal founded Hate Free Zone after the September 11 attacks in 2001 as an advocacy group for ArabMuslim, and South Asian Americans targeted in the wake of the attacks. The group went on to become a political force in the state of Washington, registering new American citizens to vote and lobbying lawmakers on immigration reform and related issues. It changed its name to OneAmerica in 2008.Jayapal stepped down from leadership in the group in May 2012. A year later, she was recognized by the White House as a “Champion of Change” for her work on behalf of the immigrant community.

Jayapal, a resident of Columbia City, Wash., near Seattle, was able to get her feet wet in politics with the Senate, but feels her voice is better served on a national level. “Many of the challenges working-class and middle-class Americans face, require a national solution,” the Chennai native said. “I believe our system of government is rigged to favor big corporations and the wealthiest 1 percent of Americans.”

Included in her accomplishments were passing two bills, helping fund a new Southeast Economic Opportunity Center that will bring higher education to the Rainier Valley for the first time, putting $5.25 million in pre-apprenticeship support for women and people of color, and fighting against payday lending. Additionally, she has fought for gun law reform, sponsoring two bills on the matter, and pushed a measure to increase minimum wage to $12 an hour.

Despite all her successes and efforts, the Democrat has faced a number of challenges in the Republican-dominated state Senate. “As a member of the minority (party), you are constantly being creative and strategic about how to get things done. Relationships and power are relative to your position in the minority,” she explained.

“I’m both the only woman of color and the first ever South Asian American member of the Legislature. That makes a big difference,” she added. “My background as an activist and a woman of color means I bring with me the perspective that race touches almost every single issue. There are, sadly, not nearly enough elected officials at any level of American government willing to acknowledge and respond to this simple truth.”

“I had long believed, as many advocates do, that it was only after a process of organizing and activism on the outside that we could demand change from our elected officials on the inside,” she told India-West, adding that the process proved frustrating as seat holders – Democrats and Republicans alike – were fearful of confronting uncomfortable social issues. I came to recognize that we don’t get a more representative government unless we run for office and create it from the inside,” Jayapal added.

The Indian American earned her bachelor’s in English language and literature/letters at Georgetown University and her M.B.A. from Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management. She moved to Seattle in 1991 and began working for an international public health nonprofit, PATH. Additionally, while working for an organization she founded called OneAmerica, she got to know the people of the district and understand their values – which she shares, also as a member of the community.

Among Jayapal’s challengers in the Democratic primary are state Rep. Brady Walkinshaw, King County councilman Joe McDermott, and Donovan Rivers Jayapal’s primary is on August 2nd. The fundraiser event in New York was supported by community veteran leader Dr. Thomas Abraham, Attorney Appen Menon, SaberCloud principal Saji George and Comedian Dan Nainan.

Bobby Jindal Quits Republican Presidential Race

“I’ve come to the realization this is not my time,” Gov. Bobby Jindal of Louisiana, a onetime rising Republican star, said while declaring that he was withdrawing from the campaign to be the next presidential nominee of the Republican Party. Jindal, the first ever Indian American Governor, whose popularity has plummeted in his own state, dropped out of the presidential race on Tuesday, November 17, 2015, conceding that he was unable to find any traction. Jindal withdrew days before a runoff election in the Louisiana governor’s race, a contest in which the candidates in both parties have intermittently criticized the once-popular incumbent.

Jindal is the third candidate in the now 14-member Republican field to drop out of race. Rick Perry, the former Texas governor, and Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin also ended their campaigns.

During his months long campaign,  Jindal had unveiled a series of policy proposals, ferociously attacked Donald J. Trumpand spent considerable time courting conservatives in Iowa, which begins the presidential nominating process. None of it worked. He raised little money, did not rise high enough in the polls to appear on the prime-time debate stage and was overshadowed by unconventional candidates such as Trump and Ben Carson. “We spent a lot of time developing detailed policy papers, and given this crazy, unpredictable election season, clearly there just wasn’t a lot of interest in those policy papers,” Jindal said in an interview on Fox News Tuesday night.

Jindal, 44, a son of Indian immigrants, was first elected governor in 2007, two years after Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans, and he initially enjoyed great popularity. But he fell out of favor in a second term characterized by fiscal crises and frequent out-of-state travels. Seventy percent of Louisianans disapprove of his job performance, according to a University of New Orleans poll taken this month.

He was his state’s secretary of health at age 24 and oversaw its public universities by 28.

Jindal, who effectively began his presidential bid by declaring Republicans “the stupid party” in the wake of the 2012 election, tried to win attention to his long-shot White House campaign with a number of gambits. He placed a hidden camera in a tree outside the governor’s mansion to record a family meeting in which he first informed his children he was running for president and released the video to the news media.

Jindal, the first ever Indian American to be on the campaign mode, seeking to win the White House has been trailing behind almost all other Republican candidates. After trailing behind in the campaign, it appeared that Jindal was gaining some momentum. In a survey published Nov. 2 by Public Policy Polling, Iowa GOP voters gave Indian American Bobby Jindal, R-La., a healthy amount of support.

Bobby Jindal Quits Republican Presidential Race
Bobby Jindal

Jindal, according to the PPP survey of 638 “usual Republican primary voters” in Iowa taken from Oct. 30 through Nov. 1, earned 6 percent support. The Louisiana governor is now slotted as the fifth-most supported Republican presidential hopeful, tied with former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee. In addition to polling about support, the survey asked about favorability, in which Jindal received 60 percent favorability. Bush, on the flipside, had only a 30 percent positive viewing, with 43 percent viewing him negatively. Carson and Cruz were the only two candidates ahead of Jindal’s favorability.

According to published sources, his record of good governance in his state is lackluster. He is described as a supporter of the rich. In his state, he was in favor of abolishing all corporate and personal income tax but in favor of raising the sales tax in order to make up for the loss of revenue to the state. His legislature wisely refused to go along with him for such regressive taxation.

Jindal refused to accept federal funding of $1.65 billion to expand Medicaid to the poor. He is pro-life and anti-abortion, and against same-sex marriage. He is against public funding of embryonic stem cell research. He favors the teaching of intelligent design in schools. He was against enforcing laws for the prevention of hate crimes in his state. His state ranked last for transparency in the United States.

Month after month, week after week, Gov. Bobby Jindal has been working to make himself relevant to the 2016 presidential election. Every week, Jindal made some (increasingly) desperate attempt for attention and relevance. On the rare occasion he made an appearance in Louisiana, he’s done everything possible to establish himself as a champion of “religious freedom.” He signed an executive order to give license to businesses to discriminate against same-sex couples. He’s even championed an amendment to the U.S. Constitution that would outlaw same-sex marriage.

As per media reports, despite having made a wreck of the state’s budget (including structural deficits for years), he’s also sold his soul to Grover Norquist of Americans for Tax Reform. He had approved more than $700 million in tax increases, in an attempt to earn GOP votes in Iowa and New Hampshire portraying himself as the candidate most violently against tax increases.

Republican presidential candidate Bobby Jindal, son of immigrant parents from India, said that immigrants who do not adopt American values represent an “invasion”. “Immigration without integration is not immigration; it’s invasion, he told ABC when asked about tough stances against illegal immigration taken by Republican front-runner Donald Trump and other party candidates. “Look, as a child of immigrants, my parents have never taken this country for granted,” said the Louisiana governor who was born in the US three months after his pregnant mother came from India. “When it comes to immigration policy, what I’ve experienced and seen is that a smart immigration policy makes our country stronger; a dumb one makes us weaker. We’ve got a dumb one today,” he said.

In the statement announcing his departure, Mr. Jindal indicated he would return to focusing on policy issues. “One of the things I will do is go back to work at the think tank I started a few years ago — where I will be outlining a blueprint for making this the American century,” he said.

Indian American ‘Hillblazers’ Raise $100,000-plus for Hillary Clinton

Eight Indian Americans have been named “Hillblazers” by the campaign of presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., for raising at least $100,000 each for the Democratic frontrunner. Their names are prominently displayed on the election website of the Hillary campaign.

As per the list, updated Sept. 30, the Indian Americans Hillblazers are Ankit N. Desai, of Washington, D.C.; Shefali Razdan Duggal, of San Francisco; Raj Fernando, of Chicago; Frank Islam and Mahinder K. Tak, of Maryland; Deven J. Parekh, of New York; and Kamil and Talat Hasan, of California. It also has three Pakistani Americans as Hillblazers: Shaista Mahmood, of Virginia; and Asif Mahmood and Imaad Zuberi, both of California.

With Less Than 1% Popularity Rating, Bobby Jindal Unlikely To Move Forward

Since he decided to enter the race to become the next President of the United States, Jindal has done everything possible to position himself for a serious run at the White House. Jindal has been polling at or below 1 percent in each national poll conducted by various news media outlets across the nation.

However, after failing to receive the necessary 2.5 percent support in a CNN poll to achieve a spot at the national debate’s main stage Oct. 28, the Louisiana Indian American governor told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer Oct. 20 he isn’t committed to attending the CNBC undercard debate. “We haven’t made a decision yet,” Jindal told Blitzer. “They still have the opportunity to do the right thing.”

A new poll out Monday, October 26th confirms that Ben Carson is topping Donald Trump in Iowa’s Republican caucuses — this time by 14 points. According to the Monmouth University poll released Monday, Carson is leading Trump 32% to 18% among likely Republican Iowa voters. In a Monmouth poll conducted in August, the two had been tied at 23%. The poll confirms a shift in the state identified by two other polls in the past week. In the Des Moines Register/Bloomberg poll, Trump was up 9 points, and Quinnipiac University showed him up 8 percentage points.

The poll had good news for other GOP candidates, as well. Florida Sen. Marco Rubio has picked up 6 percentage points since August, to 10%. That’s good enough to tie for third place with Texas Sen. Ted Cruz. Jeb Bush has picked up three points to be in fifth place, at 8%. His favorability rates have also improved 8 points since August. On the other hand, Carly Fiorina’s post-debate bounce has seemingly ebbed, as she dropped from 10% in August to 5% in Monday’s poll.

Earlier this months, polls pointed to Donald Trump as their strongest general election candidate, according to an Associated Press-GfK poll that highlights the sharp contrast between the party’s voters and its top professionals regarding the billionaire businessman’s ultimate political strength. Seven in 10 Republican and Republican-leaning registered voters say Trump could win in November 2016 if he is nominated, and that’s the most who say so of any candidate. By comparison, 6 in 10 say the same for retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson, who, like Trump, has tapped into the powerful wave of antiestablishment anger defining the early phases of the 2016 contest.

Jindal, the first ever Indian American to be on the campaign mode, seeking to win the White House has been trailing behind almost all other Republican candidates. Jindal, in the CNN/ORC poll published Oct. 21, joined Jim Gilmore and George Pataki with less than 1 percent support. Four hundred sixty-five Republicans were polled. Those polled were asked who would be their first choice among the current GOP candidates and Jindal received an asterisk, or less than 1 percent support. When asked for their second choice, 1 percent of those polled said they would choose Jindal.

According to published sources, his record of good governance in his state is lackluster. He is described as a supporter of the rich. In his state, he was in favor of abolishing all corporate and personal income tax but in favor of raising the sales tax in order to make up for the loss of revenue to the state. His legislature wisely refused to go along with him for such regressive taxation.

Jindal refused to accept federal funding of $1.65 billion to expand Medicaid to the poor. He is pro-life and anti-abortion, and against same-sex marriage. He is against public funding of embryonic stem cell research. He favors the teaching of intelligent design in schools. He was against enforcing laws for the prevention of hate crimes in his state. His state ranked last for transparency in the United States.

Month after month, week after week, Gov. Bobby Jindal has been working to make himself relevant to the 2016 presidential election. Every week, Jindal made some (increasingly) desperate attempt for attention and relevance. On the rare occasion he made an appearance in Louisiana, he’s done everything possible to establish himself as a champion of “religious freedom.” He signed an executive order to give license to businesses to discriminate against same-sex couples. He’s even championed an amendment to the U.S. Constitution that would outlaw same-sex marriage.

As per media reports, despite having made a wreck of the state’s budget (including structural deficits for years), he’s also sold his soul to Grover Norquist of Americans for Tax Reform. Although he has approved more than $700 million in tax increases, Jindal desperately wants GOP voters in Iowa and New Hampshire to see him as the candidate most violently against tax increases. According to CNBC’s guidelines, candidates need at least 2.5 percent on an average of NBC, ABC, CBS, FOX, CNN and Bloomberg polls to qualify for the main stage event, debating to win the Republican presidential nomination.

Indo-Canadian Candidates Win 19 Parliamentary Seats

In an ever growing clout of Indo-Canadians, 15 Liberal candidates of Indian origin, 3 from the Conservative Party and an Indo-Canadian belonging to New Democratic Party (NDP) won the election to the Canadian Parliament in the general elections to 338 seats. The Liberals got a parliamentary majority that will allow them to govern without relying on other parties.

The results of the national elections to the Canadian Parliament were declared on October 20th, 2015. The Indian-Canadians more than doubled their representation in the Canadian parliament from eight to 19 as Canadians voted out the Conservative Party by handing out a landslide to the Liberal Party.

Indo-Canadian Candidates Win 19 Parliamentary SeatsGosal lost to fellow Indian-Canadian Ramesh Sangha of the Liberal Party in Brampton Center, and Grewal of the Conservative Party lost in Fleetwood-Port Kells, British Columbia. But the biggest surprise was created by Darshan Kang of the Liberal Party, who won the Calgary Skyview seat for his party for the first time in 50 years by beating fellow Indian-Canadians Devinder Shory of the Conservative Party and Sahajvir Singh Randhawa of the New Democratic Party.

The outgoing minister of state Tim Uppal retained his seat by beating Amarjeet Singh Sahi of the Liberal Party and Jasvir Deol of the NDP in Edmonton Mill Woods. Most Indian-Canadian victories came in Canada’s biggest province of Ontario.

In Brampton East, Raj Grewal of the Liberal Party beat Harbaljit Kahlon of the NDP and Naval Bajaj of the Conservative Party. Bajaj is the former president of the Indo-Canada Chamber of Commerce. In Brampton West, Kamal Khera of the Liberal Party beat Ninder Thind of the Conservative Party. In Brampton North, Ruby Sahota of the Liberal Party beat outgoing MP Parm Gill of the Conservative Party and white Sikh Martin Singh of the NDP.

While longest-serving MP Deepak Obhrai, a 65-year-old Conservative lawmaker, won for the seventh time from Calgary Forest Lawn, outgoing minister of state Bal Gosal and four-time MP Nina Grewal were prominent Indian-origin Canadians who lost their fight to hold back their seats to the Parliament.

“I have a strong record both as a representative of the constituency as well as working in government and in the opposition over the years I have been in Parliament,” Obhrai, who began his career as a Reform Party lawmaker, was quoted as saying by the Calgary Sun.

For over a century, Canada has benefited from the talent and hard work of newcomers from India. Tens of thousands of Indians continue to make the journey to Canada every year to help us build our country, our economy and, in many cases, to settle permanently and become Canadians.

Canada remains a destination of choice for visitors, students and business travellers from India. In 2013, Canada issued more than 130,000 visas to people coming to visit family, friends or as tourists. Canada welcomed almost 14,000 students and admitted more than 33,000 Indian citizens as permanent residents.

The Canadian government has been making changes to facilitate legitimate travel, welcoming more visitors, businesspeople and students to Canada than ever before. The Business Express Program (BEP), introduced in 2008, was created to ensure faster processing of visa applications for businesspeople. In addition, the Worker Express Program, which provides expedited service to applicants sent to Canada by companies under the BEP, was introduced in India in June 2009 and has since benefited more than 7,200 Indian citizens.

In addition to the BEP, in July 2011, the government extended the duration of multiple-entry visas from five to 10 years allowing visitors to enter and exit Canada for up to six months at a time over a 10-year period. The Parent and Grandparent Super Visa remains a fast and convenient option for parents and grandparents who want to spend longer periods of time with their families in Canada. By the end of February 2014, more than 31,000 Super Visas had been issued, and almost 97 percent of qualified Super Visa applicants were approved.

According to reports, more than 33,000 Indians became permanent residents in 2013, a 17 percent increase since 2008. The number of visitor visas issued in 2013 to Indian citizens represents an increase of 14 percent since 2008. Nearly four times more Indian students entered Canada in 2013 than in 2008 when 3,566 Indian citizens entered Canada as students. Canada welcomed more than 50,000 parents and grandparents to Canada during 2012 and 2013. Canada plans to welcome 20,000 more over the coming year.

Indian-Canadians make up over three per cent of Canada’s population of about 35 million and have become a significant political force. There were eight lawmakers of Indian-origin in Canada in 2011.

Bobby Jindal Warns Of Immigrant ‘Invasion’

The growing debate on the controversial issue of immigration has divided the nation as no other issue has in recent times. Republican presidential candidate Bobby Jindal, son of immigrant parents from India, says that immigrants who do not adopt American values represent an “invasion”. “Immigration without integration is not immigration; it’s invasion, he told ABC Sunday when asked about tough stances against illegal immigration taken by Republican front-runner Donald Trump and other party candidates.

“Look, as a child of immigrants, my parents have never taken this country for granted,” said the Louisiana governor who was born in the US three months after his pregnant mother came from India. Every single day they are grateful to live in the greatest country in the history of the world. And I think this election is largely about the idea and the idea of America is slipping away in front of us,” Jindal said.

“When it comes to immigration policy, what I’ve experienced and seen is that a smart immigration policy makes our country stronger; a dumb one makes us weaker. We’ve got a dumb one today,” he said. “Yes, we need to secure our border. Stop talking about it. I think we need to insist that folks who come here come here legally, learn English, adopt our values, roll up our sleeves and get to work.”

Pressed on what he meant by “adopt our values,” Jindal, who is currently 13th among 17 Republican candidates polling an average of 1.8 percent votes, said that the US must avoid what has happened in some European countries. “You’ve got second-, third-generation immigrants that don’t consider themselves part of those [European] societies, those cultures. We in our country shouldn’t be giving freedoms to people who want to undermine the freedom for other people,” he said.

“I think we need to move away from hyphenated Americans,” Jindal said taking up his pet theme. We’re not African-Americans or Asian-Americans, Indian-Americans, rich or poor Americans: we’re all Americans. And the reason this is so important: immigration without integration is not immigration; it’s invasion. My parents are proud of their Indian heritage, but they came here to be Americans and they love this country. They wanted to raise their children as Americans,” he said.

Republican voters appear to be warming to Trump’s unconventional and confrontational style. In Iowa, the first nominating state, Trump is the first choice among 23 percent of likely Republican caucus goers — jumping from 4 percent in May, according to a Bloomberg/Des Moines Register poll this weekend. In a surprising surge to second, retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson is polling at 18 percent.

Notwithstanding his 13th rank among 17 presidential hopefuls, Indian-American Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal has said he is the best Republican contender for the White House and is headed towards becoming party’s nominee. “I think after we get past this summer of silliness and insults, the voters are going to begin to look at who is prepared to do the job. Who has the intelligence, who has the courage, who has the experience? I believe I’m the candidate best able to do this job on the first day,” Jindal, 44, told ABC in an interview aired.

“Look I think I’m going to be the nominee. I think Donald Trump (the leading Republican aspirant) has done a great job tapping into the anger, the frustration that voters feel, not only with (US) President (Barack) Obama but with the Republican leadership as well,” he said. Dismissing that his campaign does not seem to be catching fire at all, he said, “I disagree with that. We’re seeing great momentum in Iowa. We’re seeing standing only crowds. What I see is that voters haven’t committed to any candidate yet. In Iowa, in these early states, they’re kicking the tires, they’re asking the tough questions. This is a wide open race. They certainly seem to be attracted to Donald Trump.” A two-term Governor of Louisiana, Jindal is currently ranked 13th among a crowded list of 17 Republican hopefuls.

Rep. Ami Bera Introduces House Resolution on India’s Independence Day

Congressman Ami Bera, Co-chair of Congressional Caucus on India and Indian-Americans, has introduced a resolution to recognize India’s Independence Day and the significance of the US-India partnership. The resolution introduced by the lone Indian-American lawmaker commemorates the 68th anniversary of India’s Independence Day on August 15, and celebrates the contributions of Indian Americans in various sectors of the American society.

“As the world’s oldest democracy and the world’s largest democracy, the US and India share common values and the growing partnership between the two countries makes sense,” it said. The resolution also recognizes the importance of continuing and growing the strategic partnership between the United States and India to further common goals of supporting democracy, pluralism, and rule of law.

With a population of more than 1.2 billion people, the Republic of India is the world’s largest democracy, and shares a commitment to promoting human rights and freedom, it said. Mentioning the economic dimension of the US relationship with India, which is based on trade and investment interests, the resolution said these ties have helped create jobs and growth in both countries.

“On this Independence Day anniversary, and as the son of Indian parents, I’m proud to recognize the contributions of this community to our military efforts, law enforcement, scientific innovation, and so many other aspects of public life,” said Bera. The resolution was co-sponsored among others by Tulsi Gabbard, the only Hindu-American in the House, Joseph Crowley, Vice Chair of the Democratic Caucus, Elliot Engel, top Democrat on House Foreign Affairs committee, and George Holding, co-chair of Congressional Caucus on India and Indian-Americans.

Bobby Jindal Hopeful of Race to White House After Winning Presidential Debate

Not giving up after being on the bottom level in popularity ratings, Indian American Louisiana Gov.  Bobby Jindal  with his impressive performance, appeared to come out as the joint winner of the second-tier Republican presidential debate, multiple news outlets and political analysts have said. Fox News flash polls declared Carly Fiorina and Jindal to be the winners of the GOP’s undercard debate.

In a statement, Jindal’s campaign manager Timmy Teepell declared victory. “We saw plenty of smooth talking and famous names running for president, but only one candidate in the race has the backbone, the bandwidth and the experience to get the job done as president – Gov. Jindal,” he said.

Jindal, 44, whose parents immigrated to the U.S. from Punjab before he was born, is the first Indian American to ever run for a U.S. presidential election. Though currently faring at 13th position among a crowded field of 17 Republican presidential candidates, Jindal, for some political analysts, made an impressive appearance at the first televised Republican presidential debate for those who could not make it to the main discourse for the top 10 candidates.

“I think the American people are looking for real leadership. That’s what I’ve done in Louisiana, that’s what I’ll do in America,” Jindal asserted. “I’ve got the backbone; I’ve got the bandwidth; I’ve got the experience to get us through this. I’m asking folks not just to join my campaign but join a cause. It is time to believe in America again.”

Jindal also used the occasion to slam not only  President Obama  but also his other top Republican opponents while solidifying his stance that he is a top candidate. “We’ve got a lot of great talkers running for president. We’ve already got a great talker in the White House. We cannot afford four more years of on the job training. We need a doer, not a talker. We also need a nominee, a candidate who will endorse our own principles,” he said.

“Jeb Bush says we’ve got to be willing to lose the primary in order to win the general. Let me translate that for you. That’s the establishment telling us to hide our conservative principles to get the left and the media to like us. That never works. If we do that again, we will lose again; we will deserve to lose again.”

Michele Bachmann, a former presidential candidate, said that Jindal won the Aug. 6 debate. “Watching the #GOPDebate with millennials, their response is favorable towards @BobbyJindal whose responses have been strong and specific,” she wrote on Twitter. Jindal was also one of the most talked about candidates on Facebook.

According to Facebook, Jindal had 2.1 million people making 4.9 million interactions about him, making him the 10th most talked about Republican presidential candidate. According to the local Advertiser newspaper, Jindal delivered a solid, if less than spectacular, performance in the second-tier debate.

“There are two goals in a debate: get through it without making a major mistake and then try to distinguish yourself from the other candidates. I thought Gov. Jindal got through without making a mistake, but I’m not sure he distinguished himself from the other candidates on the stage,” said political analyst Josh Stockley of the University of Louisiana at Monroe’s.

Jindal said America must insist on a simulation in the case of immigration. “Immigration without simulation is an invasion. We need to tell folks who want to come here they need to come here legally. They need to learn English, adopt values, roll up their sleeves and get to work,” he said.

Jindal also reiterated his stance on hyphenated Americans, saying he was tired of “hyphenated identities.” He has in the past insisted that Americans are not “Indian-Americans or African-Americans or Asian-Americans” but just “Americans.” Asserting that the country needs a doer, Jindal has said he will provide real leadership to America if elected president in the November 2016 elections.

In related news, a report in the Washington Post added: One of the GOP’s rising stars made her case in Cleveland Aug. 6 for why she should be taken seriously as a potential vice presidential running mate.

Indian American South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, who rose to national prominence this spring as she led the removal of the Confederate battle flag from her state’s Capitol grounds, was the featured guest at the Republican National Committee’s summer meeting in Cleveland a few hours before the primary debate.

Haley called on the party’s candidates to show “respect” in the debate and to offer substance and details about solving the nation’s problems. Haley, who has not endorsed a candidate, said she is looking for a nominee who “speaks from their gut.”

Hillary Clinton pitches to working Americans at presidential campaign rally

Democratic Party’s Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton promised on Saturday, July 10, 2015  to fight for a fairer society for ordinary Americans, staking out a place on the left to cut off any budding challenge for the Democratic nomination. In the first major rally of her campaign for the November 2016 presidential election, Clinton touched on many of the issues that energize liberal Democrats. She highlighted her support for gay marriage, women’s rights, income equality, clean energy and regulating Wall Street.

Speaking on New York’s Roosevelt Island, with Manhattan’s skyscrapers as a backdrop, Clinton promised to “make the economy  work for everyday Americans, not just those at the top” if elected president. The former secretary of state praised working families for leading America’s economic recovery after the financial crisis of 2008. “You brought our country back. Now it’s time – your time to secure the gains and move ahead,” she told a crowd of several thousand supporters.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton

Meanwhile, the fast growing and powerful Indian-Americans are staking their claim as early supporters of the Democratic Party’s presumptive nominee for the presidential race of 2016. At a recent fundraiser, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton made a low-key stop at a gathering of high-profile Indians. No media was allowed at the event where attendees paid $2,700 per plate for some face time with the former First Lady.

The fundraiser, hosted at the home of art collector and retired U.S. Army Colonel Dr. Mahinder Tak and her husband businessman Sharad Tak, was attended by nearly 100 people during which,  $300,000 was raised, Tak told the media. Clinton touched on all her pet projects and interests but also more. “She talked about the current state of the U.S. economy, relations with India, praised (Prime Minister) Narendra Modi and his successful trip to the U.S., women’s rights and children’s rights, and increased drug use in the population, including among youth,” Tak said.

Among those present were businessman Sanju Bansal, co-founder of MicroStrategy, a worldwide provider of enterprise software who is now CEO of the Virginia-based data analytics company, Hunch Analytics, founded by President Obama’s first Chief Technology Officer Aneesh Chopra. Chopra was represented by his wife Rohini Dhir. Parag Mehta, former LGBT liaison on the Obama-Biden transition team, former director of communications and also director of training at the Democratic National Committee and special assistant to the Secretary, Department of Labor, was there; IT entrepreneurs Payal and Chandra Tak, Sudhakar Keshavan, chairman and CEO of the publicly traded management consultancy IFC International which posted gross revenues of $949 million in 2013; businesswoman Devinder Singh; Arun Gupta, partner at the venture capital firm Columbia Capital; and Shekar Narasimhan, DNCs co-chair of the Indo-American Council and managing partner at Beekman Advisors, and several other heavy hitters. Former U.S. Rep. Jim Moran, also showed up.

“She’s the most experienced of all the those running, man or woman, Republican or Democrat,” Tak said. “She’s a household name all over the world. And at the White House she put ‘women’s rights are human rights’ on the map,” she added.

Bobby Jindal With 2% Popularity Is Not To Be On 1st Republican Primary Debate

Republican primary voters will get more insight this week into the presidential candidates vying for their party’s nomination as the contenders prepare to square off in the first primary debate. And with the rise of Donald Trump and the drama his surge has provoked, the first debate is arguably the most anticipated 2016 election event to date. The first GOP primary debate will take place Thursday at 9 p.m. EST on Fox News, is co-hosted by Facebook and will feature the top 10 leading candidates for the GOP nomination.

As per the reports here, Bobby Jindal will not be appearing in the first Republican primary debate, which is limited only to those who are in the top ten. The debate, conducted by Fox News, will take place in Cleveland, Ohio, Aug. 6. The first ever Indian American vying to be on the ballot to be the next American President , Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal is now ranked 13th in a crowded race of Republican presidential aspirants, according to the latest national poll July 31.

Fox News  has decided to limit participation in its two-hour debate to the candidates ranking in the top 10 in an average of recent national polls. That will relegate seven candidates to the one-hour, junior-varsity debate with consequences to their image and standing that are difficult to predict but could be substantial. Jindal is nearly certain to miss the cut for the prime-time event, based on recent national polls. His campaign has minimized the importance of the debates, instead stressing the importance of the early states.

Jindal, 44, also the first-ever Indian American governor, has just two percent of Republican votes, compared to his top-ranking Republican opponent Donald Trump with 20 percent of votes, according to the poll. With 20 percent of Republican voters supporting him, Trump is the clear leader in the Republican presidential primary field, but he trails behind three leading Democratic contenders by wide margins in the general election match-ups, according to the Quinnipiac University national poll.

Behind Trump are Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker with 13 percent of votes and former Florida Governor Jeb Bush with 10 percent. No other Republican tops six percent, and 12 percent are undecided. Trump also tops the “no way” list, as 30 percent of Republican voters say they would definitely not support him. New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is next at 15 percent, with Bush at 14 percent.

Jindal played familiar rhetorical notes in his appearance Monday, August 3rd, in a nationally televised forum featuring most of the Republican Party’s 2016 presidential candidates, who produced few if any surprises or shocks. “I’m so tired of this president and the left trying to divide us,” said Jindal, 44. “We’re all Americans. We’re not hyphenated Americans.”

“This is the most important election of our lifetimes,” Jindal said in his wrap-up. “This is about the future of America, getting off the path to socialism,” said Jindal, the Baton Rouge-born child of immigrants from India, who has consistently shunned a tag as an Indian-American and has praised assimilation in the proverbial melting pot.

“This president is trying to turn the American dream into the European nightmare,” he said, repeating another of his favorite phrases. Jindal earlier had touted his record in cutting the state budget in Louisiana, slashing the government workforce and creating private sector jobs. “We need a doer, not a talker,” he said in his valedictory. “We can’t afford four more years of on-the-job training.” And, he assured the audience, he has the “bandwidth” and “backbone” to get the job done. “We’ve had seven years of a great talker,” he said. “Let’s elect a doer. “Let us believe in America again.”

Among the Democratic hopefuls for the nomination, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is supported by 55 percent of Democratic voters nationwide, with 17 percent for Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont and 13 percent for Vice President Joe Biden. No other Democratic candidate tops one percent, while 11 percent are undecided.

Kumar Barve’s Public Servant Recognition To Boost Efforts To Congressional Bid

Kumar Barve’s “Public Servant of the Year” by the International Leadership Foundation by a foundation that focuses on the achievements of Asian-Americans, is expected to boost his efforts to win a Congressional seat in the upcoming general election. Barve, the first Indian-American to be elected to a state legislature in this country to the Maryland state Assembly Delegate was recognized at an annual dinner in Washington D.C. on July 30th. Barve is currently running for the U.S. Congress from the open seat in Maryland’s 8th Congressional District, and this award could serve him well in marshaling the support of the increasingly politically active Asian-American community in District 8.

Elected in 1990 to the Maryland state Assembly, Barve has been a mentor to numerous Indian-Americans seeking public office around the country. During his tenure in the Assembly, he has served as the leader of the Montgomery County delegation and as Majority Leader in that lower house. A social progressive and fiscal conservative, Barve is known to be a pragmatist and bridge-builder, with a record of being able to form coalitions around issues that need to be legislated.

“Kumar Barve is an historical civic leader in the Asian Pacific American community.   He is the forerunner who opened doors for thousands of others to engage in the civic life of their communities and enter into public service careers”, ILF CEO and co-founder Chiling Tong is quoted saying in a release. The ILF focuses on high achievers in the Asian-American community.

Barve is a women’s rights and abortion rights activist and served as treasurer in the Maryland chapter of the National Abortion Rights Action League and its Political Action Committee from 1986 to 1990. He was on Maryland NARAL’s board of directors from 1989 to 1990. Yet, with a record of speaking his mind, in June 2010, he slammed that organization in an open letter, for its endorsement choices. “Thank you for endorsing me for reelection,” he wrote to the NARAL PAC Chair Tracy Terrell, adding, “However, for the first time in 24 years I am stunned by many of the endorsement decisions of the PAC.” Barve also strongly advocates on education and environmental issues.

Born and brought up in the U.S., his parents, both of whom are no more, hailed from the Gujarat region. Over the years and especially during his campaign for the U.S. Congress, Barve, 56, has called out his heritage and talked of helping strengthen U.S.-India relations if sent to Capitol Hill. If elected he would be the 3rd Indian-American to be in the House of Representatives after Dalip Singh Saund from California (1957) and current Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal.

The graduate of Georgetown University, Washington, D.C. works as the Chief Financial Officer at the Maryland-based company, Environmental Management Services since 1992. His Congressional campaign recently received a shot in the arm when the Asian American Action Fund endorsed his bid.
